Visa for Expats in the Philippines

Visa for Expats in the Philippines

Visa for foreigners in the Philippines

expats visa in Philippines

Are you planning to travel to Philippines for vacation? Tourist visa is usually granted upon arrival at the airport for many nationalities such as Europeans, Americans, Canadians, French and South East Asians. If at all you decided to stay longer in the Philippines more than the duration granted by the Airport Immigration Officer, you may further extend it directly to the main office of Bureau of Immigration in Intramuros Manila or nearest branch to your location. While other expats prefer to go through an agency to process their visa extension, a minimal charge or professional fee is added on top of the bill to be paid by agency at the immigration office. 

Some foreigners in the country find themselves staying longer than expected due to so many reasons, tourist visa with ACR card can also be obtained. Tourist’ ACR card or Alien Certificate Registration card is very helpful for many expats in the Philippines, as it is necessary to open their personal bank accounts, getting a Philippines driver’s license and it is very handy to have it when going out rather than bringing their passport. 

If you are wondering what types of visa you can obtain to continue your long stay, here are the types of visa in the Philippines that you may find useful:

  1.  9G (Work Visa)
  2.  9A (Tourist Visa Extension)
  3.  PWP (Probational Working Permit)
  4. SRRV/ SRV Application
  5.  13A Visa (Non-Quota Visa married to Filipino)

The above mentioned visa types are also part of PhilExpatsVisa Services and the following:

  1. Issuance of ACR iCard
  2. Issuance of AEP or Alien Employment Permit
  3. Downgrading of 9G
  4. ECC or Exit Clearance
  5. Inclusion of Dependent either Spouse or Child
  6. Cancellation of AEP or Alien Employment Permit 
  7. Cancellation of CEZA/PEZA Work Visa
  8. Cancellation of 9G Work Visa
  9. Cancellation of ACR iCard
  10. AEP Card Replacement (for lost AEP)
  11. MR or Overstaying an OTL (Order To Leave) 
  12. Downgrading 47a2 Visa (Student Visa) 
  13. And other Immigration related concern.

If you find this article useful and want to speak to an agent through our live chat. 

7 thoughts on “Visa for Expats in the Philippines”

  1. Hello, I am planning to retire in the next few months and when I do I would like to visit the Philippines with a plan make it my home, retire there and apply for a srrv visa. Are you able to advise me on the best way to achieve this? I plan to live with my Filipina partner (we are not married) in the Philippines. I believe that I can’t apply for the srrv visa while living in the UK. I would like to know the best visa to apply for to enter the Philippines to achieve this.
    Thank you for any advice you might be able to offer.

  2. Noviercito pawin

    Hello , my friend from dubai wants to visit here in phillipines . Can you give some advice on how to get a visa , Or is there any requirements to get with?

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